Sainte-Marie de
Olive oil

Drawing on the typical local varieties of olive (Salonenque, Aglandau, Grossane, Verdale des Bouches du Rhône, Picholine, etc.), l'Abbaye de Pierredon produces a oil with well-balanced green fruit whose artichoke and fresh almond notes are magnificently sustained by a very well-balanced ardence.
Regional expertise
The perfect time to pick
Olives are picked just as they are starting to change from green to brown.
The harvest date is always a tough call. It takes good judgement to pick early enough to retain some bitterness and ardence (piquancy) without these being overstated or aggressive...
The olives also have to be collected before the first frosts which would make the oil softer but drag the bouquet towards an undesirably classic set of aromas...
Seeking a classic taste
by getting olives quickly to the mill
Straight after picking, olives are taken to the mill and pressed immediately... The distinctiveness of green aromas is heavily dependent on how quickly the olives are pressed after being harvested.
After several weeks of natural sedimentation the oil is filtered delicately for bottling early the next year.